Give me a lyric and I’ll say what album it’s from
What would you call this album, and which is better?
name this album
Name the album
Reddit Chat System Suddenly not Showing when the other Person is Typing Anymore
What’s your favorite Nirvana song? Leave them in replies.
I haven't drawn in 15+ years but these are all from middle and high school.
This song’s been heavily overshadowed by Not Like Us. The best song from the beef.
What’s the greatest closing track of an album?
Whats your favorite song?
What are some good calm sp songs?
The Wreck from what happened
What radiohead opinion got u like this???
What’s The Smashing Pumpkin’s heaviest song?
What is your favorite album of 2011?
To those who have listened: What were your thoughts?
Do you have an album where you consider every single song a 10/10?
What albums do you always skip the most popular song on?
These “square within square” covers seem to be a theme recently
This ur Pov, What song u playing?
Fav album from the year you were born? I’ll start
JV-Fable Emoji Giveaway Extravaganza
Would You Play a game like this?
Friend of mine set up his player and took this pic 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻