Do you think there's any realistic chance that a single civilization could have conquered the entire world (or at least 90% of it) before 2025? Assuming everything went right for them.
Happy birthday Beverly crusher
What motivates you to write?
How do you keep on doing analytic philosophy?
Based Chancellor Karl Marx and His Based Government
The Game should simulate GNI as well as GDP
This game helped me understand today's economics
2WRW in new TNO?
Weekly Discussion Thread
What happened to Second West Russian War?
Keep failing to hatch, more in comments
Terraforming the Asteroid that's Alive
How do I export the revolution?
Short-term Rentals in DC- I'm at my Wits' End
Yht Business Class ikram içeriği
Balerion the Black mountain
WIBTA if I went to my friends' wedding?
What is even the point of colonizing all those decentralized islands in Oceania
How much do you focus on personality?
Paradox after the modders drop the dragon mechanics
Remember to always buy the 3-card pack for 5,000 coins instead of the 5-card pack for 10,000. By purchasing the pack of 3 cards twice, you spend the same as for the pack of 5 and you end up receiving 6 cards.
why's the cave mine so crowded in cpj at all times
Did the issues with the S24 Ultra get ironed out?
Defeated Fanatical Purifier- Now have Nazis as pops
iPhone 15 Pro vs Galaxy S24 Ultra