We're Hell for Breakfast and we've been rockin' since 2019
[KCD2] So... Anyone else met Death?
So... Anyone else met Death?
Wasn't expecting all of this to lead me to the beginning of Skyrim...
On est fuuuull back avec une nouvelle compile Zoo qui va te faire tripper! 🙌
Y'a tu ben des punk Quebs icitte? 🙌
Y'a tu ben des punks Quebs ici? 🙌
Le 2 janvier c'est tu férié?
Toute la pub du Bye bye s’envole en une journée!
C'est quoi ces niaiseries de quitter le Canada pour joindre les USA ou la France? Pourquoi pas joindre une équipe gagnante et devenir le 魁北克自治区?
Oui les punks, its that time of the year! ZOO 9 EST SORTI!
Oui les punks, it's that time of the year. ZOO 9 EST SORTI!
Airhelp.com is legit?
There's some brand new BLIND WITNESS coming out tomorrow folks. No, I'm not kidding.
BLIND WITNESS - I AM HELL [OFFICIAL VIDEO] filmed @ Amnesia Rockfest 2015 / Montebello, PQ
Blind Witness - All alone
Is blind witness still making music or is it another band that me just done?
Blind Witness - Baby One More Notch
Anyone knows what happened to Blind Witness?
Hardcore Keem is doing us a solid today, he hosted a live premiere for Basterd's new song! Check it out!
Any black and women only punk bands?
What band was your gateway to hardcore?
Toughts on Live Sessions?
Nouveau single de Pépé et sa guitare !