Mega Man X2
IIL QOTSA, what are some new similar bands to listen too? (New album just isn’t enough!)
Starting with Trails from Zero?
Free giveaway! Nintendo Switch OLED S/V Edition + Fire Emblem: Engage - International
Pac-Man Museum + is fantastic and should be the blueprint for other retro game compilations
Makai Crash
Just a chill evening of gaming
To go with that post from before
Colonoscopy prep #5. See you all on the other side
Nervous about a balloon colonoscopy!
Prednisone is a miracle drug!!
Curious where one would find OLED Switch replacement parts / if they even exist yet?
My wife for Christmas! Harvest Moon.
Real or fake (they verified but have a weird batch number sticker
First Entyvio infusion finished!
Do I have a bad battery?
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania | Suezo Joins the Gang
Reminder: WarioWare, Inc. only got this far by the (royalty-free!) support of #CrowdFarter fans in the Wii U era. Nearly a decade later, and I’ll still scab for that man…
This CIB Mario Paint I got feels almost Too nice.
My not very new bottle with some stickers i made. The last one cought fire :(
Nintendo Switch not seeing iPhone 12 hotspot
Can't re-register device as primary?
Thank you infliximab 😊