Day 8 account 2nd Lvl 60
Thanks for nothing Plarium.
Should I get fillers for my gaming arm or leave it as it is ?
How am I supposed to beat myself!!?? I’ve tried every combination. Even went in with just 2 thinking it would be easier to fight 2 of me
Bought what I was told was a “Digger’s stash” along with a few suspected repros. Anything stand out? They seem a bit older than what I’m familiar with.
What will Americans do if Social Security is reduced or done away with?
Angry bride struggles through vows as guest lets baby cry during ‘adults-only’ ceremony
Do I sleep on anyone?
AIO? Just got this text 5 hours ago. Partner told me not to worry about it
Starting lampwork as a hobby. What would you say minimum is the cost?
This burn mark was right next to the stove on the countertop. One of the kids did it and won't confess what it came from
Slept on Chimera Champs
How do I beat this level
Yellow plastic cord with felt and rubber disc?
Who to book? Fenax or Genbo? Or someone else
Anyone else have this?
Kael and Uugo
Trying to place myself in two shows. And don’t remember the dates.
Is this movie good? Gonna give it a shot
Found in Illinois
I found this I’m my road this past year, we have rock (red dog) brought in from a pit in West Virginia. Usually find sticks and fern leaves. This is a bit different, not sure what it is. I have ideas but would like to hear others take on it.
Anyone else like putting other veggies in leftover pickle brine?
Lustre dust
Anyone else experiencing no sacred shard drops from clan boss?