Why does no-one acknowledge Jules's trans-ness?
I think a guy I had sex with found out I was trans and he blocked me. What should I do?
I've been having sex with a guy who didn't know I'm trans while I knew his ex was trans
Do you ever regret getting FFS?
male puberty ruined my body
Do neovaginas have the same rugae as a cis vagina?
Telling my boyfriend I´m trans
Is Homosexuality "all about biological sex" ? (It's to settle an argument)
Vaginoplasty. The best result, sensitivity, prices, places. I am from Spain
What does the trans community have to say about Dylan Mulvaney?
My vulva was clocked before having sex. How can I improve my scars?
Depth Issue: Sex after SRS
How Painful Should Dilation Be?
Surgery with dr chettawut in 2 days. I am so anxious
Am I ready for vaginal intercourse?
Am I ready to have vaginal intercourse?
How to Come Out as a Narcissist to Friends?
When to disclose being trans on dating apps…
Those Who Got A Minimal Depth Or A Full Depth Vaginoplasty Can You Tell Me What Helped Your Decision?
What do y’all call your girl bits?
I think of myself as a femme fatale
Does Post SRS vaginal tightness ever resolve/ what are the options revision wise?
Another guy I date who turns out to be homophobic/transphobic.
How feminine are my laughing, coughing, shouting, sneezing and singing?