Watching Arthur slowly die (and kissing my horse goodbye) is far more sad then the actual death scene
Thoughts on this 50k build for triple A 1080p gaming
Realistically do you think Arthur would have killed or spared these guys?
Need help kung overprice ba ‘to
who the HECK is this guy in the mask of zorro 1998. this is NOT tahiti
General Questions & Tech Support Megathread | March 10, 2025
So we’ve agreed as a community to call him Stranded Snake, right?
Have you ever wondered why Grimshaw has attacked all the girls at camp except Abigail and Sadie?
Red Dead Redemption 2 chronological 100% order
What have yall named your main horse?
What would the games be if you were the frontman
We all know he'll be the coolest dad or grandpa
Why would Oscorp be investigating a meteorite or the symbiote?
I took Arthur to Mexico and heard some unique music. Maybe Rockstar intended to include Mexico afterall, but sadly ran short on time.
What's his Aslume name?
I can't stop laughing 🤣. The NPC said this while veiwing a bounty poster
Let’s say you were in charge of the Saint Denis heist how would you have done it in a way that minimized bloodshed and kept the gang safe?
4th time playing the story and I don't ever recall this happening
Which gang member did Arthur work best with?
My first pre built PC 50k budget
A momment in Naruto that still pisses you off to this day?
Why do they have boats outside the map if your never expected to use them
Anong phase out food menu item ang gusto nyo ibalik sa fastfood (mcdo/jollibee/kfc/chowking)
Is he the only one who said the word "redemption" in the whole game?
If you didnt know the next game was glass bridge, which number would you have chosen?