I struggle choosing my outfits for streams?
New Cam Model Problems
Waste my new tag on CB. Who started without it?
How much would you charge for this…
Major CB outage thread
Unsolicited Advice
something about this is eating me up inside.
The biggest barrier I had to success as a camgirl was internal.
Body care
What made you blow up?
How much is everyone making on here? Just curious I would like to start
“What do you like to do on here”
Does Wishlist ever really work for you?
My dad needs help! Urgent room/studio in Queens – $1500 budget.
Crashed out
Former SWer, I hit the hard reset button
Successful without privates?
is breakup only the craving for dopamine and nothing else ?
Allergic to everything atp. Allergen free makeup or natural dyes??
How do you unplug?
Noticed that these past 3 weeks went slow on main cam sites. Thoughts?
Hey, not sure I’m doing this right.
I’ve been outed / found out by people I know
Being a pet owner with mental health issues?
In hospital and the bush has grown…