A dervish wearing a gas mask is pepper-sprayed by police during protests in Istanbul, Ümit Bektaş
Any point of having an EMG done?
What percentile of the population are you?
Dads wanted
Therapeutic keto is VERY DIFFERENT than normal keto
Duke ship set question
yet another community weekend alone
Guild recruitment sub
Carnivore is not for gluttony or sloth.
LDN for DPDR and Dissociation
Foam so smooth it looks like he’s working with whipped cream
I heard that lowering the anchor is a big nono. So how do you stop then?
Such action is needed against old (500 f*ing year) cruel and gruesome practices that have glorified cruelty for generations
Ketogenic diet
How do we know PSSD is real.
We were just peacefully doing a vault...
Somehow I survived a chase and sold my loot!
Mental health meds that could ALSO help Dysautonomia
Experiences with NAD+
Valtrex and nicotine
Is this going to get better at all and how?
Found this in our 1/2 bathroom.
SFN from SSRI s?
is there a way to do nad injections at home?