what's going on 😭🙏
Gratz Gratz Go Away
What card should have priority to be leveled up to lvl 15
Current Best Golem 4M Deck, Any Thoughts?
Yoimiya Abyss Usage Rates and Teams.
Another proof that Mo Light is not an human
The new card isn’t busted, I don’t know what you’re talking about
So any news about that?
This is dreadful. I hate that they keep doing this.
Are these good statistics for where I'm at in the game?
What spells would support hog rider?
Stuck in grand champion what should i change?
What is this car I've never seen something like it
New Evo....???
Gran Turismo 7 is great but because of the heat the playstation 4 shut down automatically
How are you guys getting 3 emotes here? I'm only getting 2.
The new tower troop actually looks balanced, well done supercell (only problem might be upgrading it cuz of the rarity tho)
Toxicity against mk users
Why Supercell?
How would you make this deck better? I can't seem to get any win out of it
What are your guys' first purple Mastery?
How many years have you been playing cr?
Evo MK killed this card
Bruh the game just started and everything wrong with this game is right there 💀😂
wtf is this? I am done with this game