Beginning of my space wolf assault intercessors C&C welcome
This helmet fitted way too nicely for me to not do this
Update on this guy
Which colour scheme is better?
Angron model WIP
Where to start reading
First member of my heretic legion done 👍
Where can i look to find what base sizes to use?
Brush reccomendations?
My first painting
Really enjoying painting these, let me know your thoughts
What else should I get for my army?
My first space wolf jump pack intercessor
First SW jump pack intercessor
Why are the hounds of Morkai a darker shade of blue
Do I need to pick a specific option in order to paint these guys as space wolves?
Should I stick to helmets?
Does vault edition work with gameshare?
Anyone wanna help do terminus Easter egg?
Anyone wanna help me do terminus Easter egg??
What’s the difference between world eaters and world bearers?
I primed my miniatures and they went flakey. Help?
Starting my first army as a newcomer
What’s the best way to get into the lore?
Helping with bosses ps5