Synthoceps + No Bell from the Heresy artifact can do some major damage!
Barrow Dyad is awesome with Path of Ambition. What’s the best way to build around it as a Hunter?
What are your thoughts on mirror imago?
Why aren't these weapon perks/perk combos more popular?
Something’s gotta be done with 360 and 450 RPM Auto Rifles in PVE.
Finished my SF Sundered Doctrine today on Hunter
This Week in Destiny - 03/06/2025
Is envious arsenal actually any better than envious assassin on heavy GLs?
You can open the Lighthouse chest on characters that don't have a card and get loot.
Bungie, we need alot more new weapons, chance to learn patterns from public events and chests and less grinding on rolls
Reworking the Nightstalker Aspects (More Support, Less Invis!)
When Celestial Nighthawk was update so precision kills reduce super cooldown, I thought it was gonna be what Geomag Stabilizers currently is.
This Week in Destiny - 02/27/2025
Starcrossed Secret Chest is MASSIVE Now
The problem with Hunters in PVE is that they're hard pressed to provide utility on the same level of Warlocks and Titans. Invisiblity used to be that until we powercrept past the need for it.
Particle Reconstruction Debuff Testing Post v8.2.0.2
Which of the most recent exotic armor changes have fallen flat in your eyes?
I wonder what his reaction is going to be when he finds out what we and Savathun know
Saint’s reward track this week has a PvE god roll Keen Thistle with Envious Arsenal + Bait & Switch
Bungie, you gave Khepri's Horn some love, don't forget about Khepri's Sting!
Genuine question: how can I play trios with my friends if they’re really bad. The match making make it almost impossible.
Storm's Keep making half of all primary weapons in the game an instant 1HKO that also heals you is worse than what RDMs could ever do.
Storm’s Keep has amazing potential (so here’s some theoretical build crafting. Theory-crafting, if you will).
Loot gained from a 7 win-streak lighthouse passage
New perk idea: Powder Keg!