Anyone tried paying stamp duty with a credit card?
Thoughts on borrowing money to buy shares
Sooooo....does anyone get off at 5pm anymore (unless its the start of a holiday)?
AITA in all of this? [work situation]
Most sorceresses (including Triss but not Yen)
To what extent do you believe in the statement "all it takes is one bad day"?
This character is 100% guaranteed to survive till the end
Bret apologizing
Joy (S12)
Who caused the most drama on Season 17?
The Beifong Family Portrait by @katviras
According to insider Daniel Ritchman, Netflix is reportedly considering a spinoff about mages/sorceresses
How will society change if one out of every ten people are born with the ability to wield magic? The other nine stay the same as now.
Eli5 Why are human societies so hierarchical?
Is there any reason why I shouldn't pay off HECs in 1 go?
Dijkstra in a nutshell.
Does the average citizen in a first world country have a better standard of living than the aristocracy did back during the medieval/Victorian ages? Who had the more comfortable life?
Not including modern royalty, how much truth is in the assertion that the average citizen in a first world country currently has a better standard of living than the royals of old?
Found this on steam and it's called "Yennefer and Geralt". Telltale witcher game anyone? Credit: Kyaranir
AITA for planning to take all my sick leave
Found Cersei's favourite snack...
If you were an Eldian on Paradis, you would side with...
"It's just business nothing personal" almost always affects the recipient of the message personally
Why are some of society's most intelligent people (e.g. lawyers, doctors, investment bankers) also the unhappiest?
Why are some of society's most intelligent people (e.g. white collar professionals like lawyers, doctors, investment bankers) also the unhappiest?