Black Album (2022) is my favorite self titled album wby?
Weezer needs to release demos on Spotify
What’s your opinion on The New?
In response to u/Harum_444's tierlist of Interpol's albums
La mejor banda argentina?
What do you guys think?
With which season of the year do you associate Interpol with?
Kind of controversial i think...
I have seen every movie and show set in the DCAU. AMA
What is your favourite deluxe album track?
Tell me your favorite song!
Did Ben's "Spiky Thing" mutation from the late '80s have...a tail?
make the comments look like Pinkerton just came out today
Guy Gardner be like:
Help me remember
How did Green Lantern become your favorite superhero?
Ok, now seriously why does he have 4 fingers?
Whats a song that is severely underrated in your opinion?
fav weezer song
What’s Gorillaz’s heaviest song?
Best track on D-Sides?
What Weezer lyrics do you sing along like this?
Top 20 Green Lantern story arcs - day nineteen - tales of the GLC miniseries takes 19th place - highest upvoted comment wins
Best Moments of a Character - Day 5: Kyle Rayner