Where can I see official drawings of Mairon?
Apparently people on this sub REALLY like Shadow Cake, so here's a recipe 👇
Can Merlin and Morgan cast buffs like Medea did in Unlimited Blade Works?
What is this dogs name?
Why did Gandalf insist that Bilbo must leave the Ring to Frodo?
If Europe were a family, who would be who?
Guardian only Tank in Endgame?
New player wants to try the game
Don’t drag PJ in this..
Guys help Minthara is trying to get me to dump Astarion. And it just might work.
Why Trump wants to weaken the US dollar — and level global trade
What if the Balrog and Gandalf switched to spirit form throughout the fight? A little theory.
How you all doing with 90++ on this event?
RK or LM
Zionism meets America
The crusades were nothing more than a series of overglorified strategic failures and the only reason they’re viewed the way they are is because they’re looked at through a modern nationalist lens.
Speak friend and enter
Elon Musk’s Tesla says it could be targeted by retaliatory tariffs
After Saruman is released from Isengard why doesn't he just go to Mordor where can gather allies and be around Saurons forces?
If Saruman's army won at Helm's Deep would they be sent to attack Gondor or sent to attack Lothlorien?
Additional writings on the Barrow Downs?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Found this below a highway (HWY 401 Toronto, ont)
LOTR's official website: why isn't there one?