Would taking a gap semester for health reasons buy me more time to get a more fulfilling experience?
Advice for a scared overwhelmed college student?
Can I keep exercising if my Hr is 200 but I feel fine??
Getting bloodwork, can I test them to test for certain things?
10mg of propranolol why do I feel like a zombie?
Major surgery with POTS, is this something to be concerned about?
Must haves for surgery?
I hate my life and my body
Wait a second…will I feel this way forever???
I’m getting double jaw surgery in June, am I screwed?
Anyone else deal/dealt with anti-discipline parents?
How long does it take to get used to propranolol ?
Will 10mg of propranolol twice a day be less likely to cause weight gain?
To those of you on 3+ meds, what is your combo and how does it help you?
When time of day do you take propranolol?
Finally being proscribed propranolol after years of being dismissed.
I am TERRIFIED of my nose widening.
My surgeon f’ed my nose up
Is the TTT really THAT bad?
Will anxiety effect TTT results?
Actual hot heating pad recs?
I’m sorry for the tmi but…
How do you describe adrenaline surges?
I have high and low blood pressure