The countries on this map that aren't mentioned by tomorrow will be removed day 3 (If countries aren't getting removed I might cancel this)
This taser thingy? Found it in the utensil drawer in the kitchen of our new house
So true
Sad, but true
Why do girls only find me attractive?(Should I be lesbian?)
The countries on this map that aren't mentioned by tomorrow will be removed day 2 (sorry if some countries that got mentioned aren't there and check if your country is there)
y/n pls respond 🙂
The countries on this map that aren't mentioned by tomorrow will be removed day 1
what do y'all call these in your country?
Waiting for somebody to do this...
I made a Wetherspoons in Far Cry 5!
still haven't studied for my exam, but I did colour this 🥀
At what age/point are yall expecting to get freaky?
"Guys are so lucky, they can pee standing up!" Guys who get a mix of these :
losercity losercity???
Thought I'd share my model of Valentine that I've been working on:
Should I cry or edge 😭
Found Felt giving advice on nudes
If human reproduction required an intense, hour-long philosophical debate between partners before conception, how do you think society would change?
18f im bored asf ama 🤪
Give this car a name
Does anyone else's penis feels like burning when you pee right after c*mming?
Are Nudes illegal?