Are we just cooked?
I'm going to the Dominican Republic, what cigars should I consider ? Best place to purchase cigar in Punta cana !! :)
What’s everyone favorite Cubanesque sticks?
Évaluation énergétique pour renoclimat
Piano de cuisson au gaz
Heading to Punta Cana on Monday
Combien vous coûtent vos vices?
Taux hypothécaire - 1er achat
I finally created a display case for my labels!
Transfert RÉER (FTQ) vers CELIAPP?
Chèque jamais encaissé
Las Vegas Haul
150$ cant beat costco
Emprunt pour mise de fonds ?
Jeudi salaire & emploi
Un Grand Prix féminin à Montréal dès l’an prochain
Casa Fuente
Crap quality for the fight
Bro landed on a parachute then took off without slippers.
F1 Hub at the Venetian
PSA Dont buy the presale of the singles from RA03 (Bonanza)
Halloween Challenge I
What is a fair price to pay for a 3 1/2 right now in Montréal?
Mardi immobilier