What’s something you’re jealous that the opposite faction has that your faction doesn’t?
Abbreviations and Acronyms
For those who played TWW on release, are you still playing?
Honest question what’s your keybind for your kick?
thoughts on this pen? 💙
What deck are you known for?
You've been given $1000 with the stipulation that you must spend it on cards for Commander. What do you buy with it?
Change the sum of a cell if a date is greater than 1 Year
Suggest me a straightforward "feel good" deck for my friend to keep him playing with me =)
Redeemables with the wow promotion
What’s the funniest or strangest reason that you’ve ever been kicked from a group?
What’s your clever name+title combo?
Who should succeed Jeff as the host once he retires?
Why are there no Horde characters left?
Long time players: What are some lessons you had to learn the hard way?
You’re the Lich King. You’ve just defeated the heroes at Ice Crown, what your next move?
Aftermath of night sweats. This happens 3-5 times a week.
I’m interested in poking the bear so to speak and trying my hand at cedh this year.
What lists benefit most from Marvin, Murderous Mimic?
What weird deck restrictions do you give yourself?
What amount would the prize money need to be to have an real impact from the way the game is currently played?
Sleeving Tokens?
What's a deck your most proud of?
Dec 16 banlist update did not recognize commander as a governed format 🥲
What’s more impressive when it’s done naked?