Are Canadian companies offshorers like American companies?
Any Regulars from Brooklyn / NYC to Big Snow? Looking for Tips
Graduate Internship contract labeled “Independent Contractor”, is this normal?
Does bad feedback mean I won't get promoted this year?
Took an 8-day ski trip after 20+ years off… lasted 3 hours. Need advice!
Is Google worth reneging Meta for?
If you had to move to a different state in New England, which state would you move too?
what happened to salary transparency?
Fun activities during mud season?
Thoughts on this behavior?
More internship vs graduating early
Degree-less SW with 6 years of experience going back to get that degree, how will my new status as a student, and later as a "new grad" influence how employers see me?
Why do companies ask for expected salary range and then ghost you if you "ask too much"?
Official Ted Lasso Season 4 discussion and speculation megathread
How did you get your spouse on board?
Small contracting on side of a main gig
End of March: Stowe or Park City??
What actually made you land a job in the end as a grad?
The gettin’ is still good at K-Mart
Is an abarth worth it as a daily driver?
Politics aside, let’s get back to complaining about VT for a change!
Stowe 3 15 2025
“Your country exists because of what America provides to you, don't forget that”
Suburbs in Vermont?
Is it a good choice for a first car? 94k miles, 2013, $17000 out the door.