What sets can do more damage than Steel Hound in raids?
Here You go, Peak level 4 stranger so far
Awesome (level 4)
What exactly can Stranger level 5 be used for?
For all the p2w malders, here's a useful infographic on set obtainability for f2p players.
14.5k with level 4 Stranger
Just how broken is this thing with stranger lvl 6???
Not the cleanest round or the best damage, but considering that half life is pretty much useless here and that I don't have level 5, I would say that this was good damage all things considered
Not the most impressive damage in the world, but still very good for a level 4 set and can be more if ruolan stops being a PoS
They know that Stranger set isn't that great now.
DFT level 5 vs KOS level 4. Which set is more versatile?
Level 2 dote vs wrath
Maxxed out Warmonger, Widow and Shadow artisan. Kindly recommend perks/builds.
The best set to grind monkeys in the palace fight.
I got this abominitation of a build
Is the set worth buying?
level 6 butcher because he is underrated
What are the top 3 dynast sets
Level 4 butcher is good for event grinding
How good is LVL 6 KOS?
Adept 2
(NOT MY GAMEPLAY) Destroyer of the Epochs doing 80k damage against Acolyte level 6
Can you guys suggest the only 3 sets i will ever need
(DFT Level 5) Round one is fine but In round 2 I'm unable to charge my blade anyone know why ?
How effective is Stranger when maxed at level 6, for events, raids, and ok fighters? (assuming the best perks are equipped)