What’s the difference between the 3 black boots?
Ship of Magic
What are you excited about wearing this spring?
What’s everyone’s go-to breakfast restaurant in town?
Where do you rank the latest book?
Matt is going on tour courtesy of Penguin Random House. Here are the dates. Here are the links.
Sakura Slub
Is the General Grievous structure deck worth it?
I’m on Howling Dark (audio book), Does Valka get less annoying?
State of the game?
Ashes of Man hurt me more than Kingdoms of Death
Sovengard layoff
Missing Karabast so badly :(
Do you think Glokta would use this
First Law Drinking Buddy?
JoJo’s Collab
What is your unrealistic dream for this game to get
Be honest. Aside from getting Armory Data for Relic tier weapons, would you REALLY want to play on Ruthless/Lethal all the time?
Share your tier lists!
TWI - Execute Order 66
I want to read Sun Eater, but I'm scared...
TWI - Mace Windu RRW deck idea
Padme Amidala Leader Card Showcase Leak
How are your local scenes holding up?
MTG players who have tried SWU - how do you find it?