Help, I need Lobotomy
wait a sec-
How screwed are we lads
Oh! That's porn!
YouTube wants me to Fap right now!
If Woods/Price are the most iconic Treyarch/IW characters respectively, which of these [COD] characters are Sledgehammers most iconic?
Am I The Only One Who Thought They Were Mountains ?
[COD] Which COD game is the best acted?
[COD] Who is your favourite silent protagonist in the whole franchise?
bro wtf
Who’s your favourite Ai co-commanders/ enemy commanders in red alert 3? (Ai, acting, line delivery, etc)
[COD] Should the OG COD’s be Remastered?
Home Depot is onto something 🤔
Whatcha doin' ??
[COD] JFK files were released. Found this old photo in the files, what could it mean????? Could this be proof of multi dimensional nazi zombie space tentacle aliens were the ones who killed JFK???????
[MW2] Me and little bro finally beat high explosive
Aghh... I need Lobotomy...
What's she doing? (wrong answers only)
[COD] My Favourite Gun From Each Title, Back To CoD 4. Thoughts??
“For the Working Damsel”
Roses are red, plumbers do piping
Unexpectedly fit
[COD] To al semi auto users, which gun it’s your favorite?
Pickup lines in space
How can I further optimize my heal cheese?
What's this evolution called?
Who's your main?
[BO] In Your Opinion, Which Gun From Call of Duty History Has the Coolest Firing Sound?