[WP] Turns out there was never a Sherlock Holmes, Watson just thought nobody would believe his autobiographies if they knew they were AUTObiographies.
What are your favorite mechanics that you homebrew to other games?
What kind of character customization appeals to you the most, and why?
I had an Idea for a new Ability. "Bounce Back" makes it so whenever the user pokemon's health goes into the red, it will recover half it's total health. This only happens once per battle and the ability does not prevent OHKOs.
Fakemon Discussion & Brainstorming Thread - March 2025
Systems You Wish There Were More Systems Like?
(Unpopular opinion) Sabotage is the best part of NNN
Pace Preference?
Your Favorite Unpopular Game Mechanics?
Ask your new 🏴☠️ questions here
"Wait... This Seems Familiar..." Moments With A "New" TTRPG?
What is the most TRIVIAL reason you changed from one TRPG to another?
What is the best thing your least favorite game does?
How Much Do You Value Simplicity
What systems do you consider must-have for well-rounded TTRPG literacy
Solo roleplaying makes me a better GM and player
Homebrews You Are Proud Of
What is your PETTIEST take about TTRPGs?
What's Your Extremely Hot Take on a TTRPG mechanics/setting lore?
How to make your iPhone's lock screen into a dice roller
Hated Game Mechanics You Think Deserve Better?
What character fantasy have you never found the right rules for?
Ever Jumped Systems And Brought Some Homebrew With You?
How do you balance your social life with edging?
Multiple Multipowers