How can i tell if my dreads are locked up, i wanna start cutting them to keep them from getting too long
What's the dumbest reason you won't use a frame?
What would you like to see get Added to the game
DE: Put your money where your mouth is and let me date multiple Hex.
How can i try this game?
Warframe 800k Milestone Giveaway!
Help me find the best settings for vr
This update in VR feels amazing
who was your first bleach crush? mine was yoruichi 💜
What's Your Favourite/Best Loadout For PVP/PVE and why?
name a ken song in emojis and i will try to guess it
One of the most bazzare glitches I've ever seen.
Ken’s burner twitter was found and the things he replies too got me crying 😭😭😭
Are you going to give the show the benefit of the doubt to turn things around or you have lost all hope? The show is set to end with season 4.
dracarys on that thang
Anyone else noticed Ichigo looked younger as a kid?
Just found this ship on a planet, is it really that rare?
Is this fit hard or am I trying to hard
Fool me once…
What is skyrim missing
need help with minimizing fps loss
need help stabilizing my modlist fps
Who’s winning
Why are "The Boys" called "The Boys" when Huggy is a twink, Frenchfry is gay and Eemeem is Black
who is y’all favorite white rapper?