Need movies that will inspire me to live again
Workshop Spaces For Rent?
Feedback on New Nightlife
My personal experience with Jenna Wright
I called the police today.
What’s a movie that does scare u, or creep u out , but the movie itself isn’t in the horror genre ?
MASSIVE fire just now
What are some good ways to meet women in Utah who aren’t religious and don’t want kids?
What movie gave you the most negative or disturbing feelings?
Postcard from Provo
✡️🇮🇱from a Pro-Israel, Jew
Buying local
A fully functional commercial art gallery, just tiny
Credit union recs?
Who is an actor that you will watch almost anything they do because they tend well in a genre you like or you know it’ll be a good film because they’re in it?
Harmon’s prices … getting out of hand.
What is the hardest you’ve ever cried in a movie?
New censorship?
Anyone else sad this morning?
Who all has deleted their meta apps?
anyone else get a weird feeling ?
Y'all moving apps or are you going to take this chance to live life?
Things to do this Thursday?
No Jenna, you stop. 🙄🙄🙄