What new SM2 classes would you like to see?
Want some feedback on this simple system I devised for a VTTRPG:
Raven Guard 9th Company - Flair
Space marine adornments... fave lore and look?
Pls help me make some heretics 😤
Need some assistance with the big bad of my horror short story...
Writing aids
Thoughts on new update? Thank Bungy.
Gud Update Bungy
What does my list of saved builds say about me?
Can someone tell me a funny build to start new run?
Elden Ring 2/DLC 2
Jus gunna try and stop any speculation before it starts. THIS IS NOT GODWYN
Looking for help/idea bouncing buddies for a comic I would like to write!
Any tips
Warden king, rate it from 1 to 10
Did I dodge? (Not highest quality)
Who is this guy doing axe kick?
New Varangian Guard hero's executions
[Online] [Flexible] [EST] Novice Player Looking for a lengthy campaign to join!
(Online)(Starfinder)(18+)(LGBTQ+ Friendly)(Seeking 4-6 Players)(Session 0 Tonight 9:30pm Est)
Would like some opinion on a backstory for a character I made for a potential new campaign!
[Flexible] Looking for Online Dnd Group for newbie
Surviving Pedro Pascal - Part 1