Less work, same pay: Greens push for four-day work week
Instagram won’t let me like some posts
Heat (1995) is the biggest I've ever been bamboozled...
Heat (1995) Probably the most over-rated movie I have come across to date.
What are your thoughts on Heat(1995)?
Some Not-Shit Candidates running in the 2025 election: House of Reps & Senate
Please recommend me a movie that sounds and feels like this video.
Movies with bleak ending where no hope is left
Give me the singers you think has the widest range.
Does Dutton have a chance at winning?
Twilight (György Fehér 1990)
Best way to transfer photos from my iPhone to an external hard drive?
Undying Hate for macOS Photos app.
Roberta Flack songs from the NY Times
Latest Roy Morgan Poll has ALP ahead on 2PP
Why was Lol Tolhurst in black-face for the Why Can't I Be You video?
The Latest Roy Morgan Poll has ALP ahead on 2PP
I looked at 35 years of data to see how Australians vote. Here’s what it tells us about the next election - The Conversation
I looked at 35 years of data to see how Australians vote. Here’s what it tells us about the next election
Don't let the RBA fool you, more interest rate cuts are in the pipeline
Jesus was called Isho(Aramaic) not Yeshua(Hebrew) in his everyday life!
Back To Back Barries
Greens leader Adam Bandt has refused to explain why he chartered a $15,000 private plane between Canberra and Brisbane to attend his party’s 2022 election campaign launch despite the taxpayer being forced to pick up the tab