Whats the most efficient way to do this?
New player needs help countering a toughness matters deck
Deck that can counter a 'toughness matters' deck
Suggestions on how to make this cut?
Breakout Star
Made a wallpaper engine wallpaper out of the beta art
Good night fellas 🤘
Is there a way to display and interact with chatgpt through a 'virtual' person?
Newbie here. Not sure where to start. Please help.
Remodeling an addition and I don't know if these ceiling beams are structural. Any help?
[Giveaway] Declare Your Allegiance
Need some help making the switch back to dual monitors
Please help me make the switch back to dual screens!
How do I make this cut without creating a wooden projectile that nearly impales me in the gut?
First Timer - Didn't do so good - Advice/thoughts?
Newly Built PC - Rocket league goes black and freezes - Shouldnt happen with this hardware
Need some help figuring out fan/radiator/pump wiring please
Ok to use one cable with two 8 pins ends for graphics card?
I know it's overkill, that's just who I am.
High Budget Gaming and Productivity System - Ready to purchase
Multiple uses $3000+
Why have CPUs diverged so much? It's either gaming OR productivity, but not both?
Multi-purpose System - $3000+ budget
Which CPU to meet my needs?