Can't decide which kit is better
Arabic Music at Gammeltorv
50+ Official Kits for sale. S to XXL.
The number of people coughing openly in the public transport is mind boggling
Flights to Istanbul from Scandinavia
Copenhagen to Istanbul
Moving back to US or taking job offer in Amsterdam after wedding cancellation?
Exchanging Seats
FC Koebenhavn fans in Edinburgh
What London-based football club has the best fan experience?
Who’s a former Roma player that doesn’t get talked about enough?
Game on 13th Feb
Recommendations for Soundproofing Windows
Black Taxi Tours advice
Black Cab Tour Advice
Mid 30s female considering moving to DK from California
Dublin or Belfast for 5 days in November is terrible
Disposing of Article 78? NYS
Any quality American flag manufacturers?
We just had some of the best American-style a pizzeria!
Internet Options for Copenhagen City Center