Whos more evil?
For fun (kinda spoilers?)
just realized you can see some of jett’s face in this cg
Results for Round 1 of the Fang Vote and options for round 2
What if ...
Best way to sell around 230 dolls?
Talk me out of buying new makeup I currently don't need!
the trend except i yapped a lot about it
Some plushies I made🖤
Do I look pretty feminine for a trans chick ?
The perfect 13k
Decorated my first ita bag
Is 3 worth watching?
drawing a coach/coaches each day until i get bored (WEEK 1)
What are your favourite extreme versions?
breakfast at the mental institution i go to
What I believe there sexuality’s are
Halara Nightmare is non-binary
The way i want to punch the screen
drawing a coach/coaches each day until i get bored (day 6)
how can i look more authentic to scene back in the day?
The Theme: “Me Right Now” Has Won for the: “WORST THEME”!! Now Moving onto the: “BEST ITEM”!!
I thrifted this blazer last weekend, and the colours match my Milky Planet skirt so well!!