Store manager caught sleeping on the job.
I hate when I'm watching a gameplay streamer play and experience a new game and then someone in chat decides to conduct an interview of the streamer's life.
Looking for a particular stream where he put every single point into a useless stat as a joke. And then complained about doing that for the rest of the stream.
The Swedish way - display the backside.
the story has come to an end 😭
cricket looks so adorable
Bro is doing VR war crimes
what are u doing? 😭
The nowhere generation 😆
Do these two lines of code produce an identical result?
Pigeons vs Pills
How pet pigeons take pills
What do you think this cutie smelled at the end?
Everyone: "2Fort is the worst map. It always stalemates" Also Everyone:
The spiral galaxy M104, aka the "Sombrero Galaxy", image found in a Smithsonian Institute Regent Report (1929)
This jerk woke me up at 7 am
At a glance, is my rocket design dumb? (cause it works but it looks silly)
The votekick system is fucking stupid
As it should be
Quick thinking crane operator saves man from burning building
Better showcase of the lighting thing I made for screens
Dynamic Lighting System for render textures (On github)
What 'free' game have you spent most $$ on?