Girls do you think a man should be able to hit a woman if she attacked him first?
Things are getting better. Slowly, but they are.
i just created a quiz to find out if you're swag or nah
Without googling, name something this country invented ?
Paintings at my school
What's your favorite number?
Your username dictates how you die. How are you dying?
Help! I can’t decide — 1 or 2?
how much sleep do you guys get?
what’s one of your worst injuries? don’t say to graphic LOL
Everything’s just getting worse, idk what to do anymore
You have only $10, pick your pro bending team.
My whole life is falling apart
I’m thinking of doing a Wheel of r/teenagers users so comment and I will add your name
I dare you >:3
Anyone want to start a SF4 server?
I want to build a PC, but don’t know how.
im not trans but i lowkey wish i was a guy
Guys, I need your help. You only need to answer 3 questions (it's for a school project).
Men don’t exist.
my favourite ugly rat xx 💋
How To Get Karma Fast (NEW)!!!
What’s the most movie like experience that you’ve ever had?
Can anyone tell me what's the difference between Coke and Pepsi ?