What’s the highest damage you’ve dealt in a single match, and which hero did you use?
What's the point in playing this game? I was expecting to surprise this mf, but I ended up drowning in my own blood bath.
What's your name?
These Strategist instalockers, I'm telling you... And who will pick DPS now?
what age do i start calling myself a woman?
Anyone want to explain what happened here?
If you could go anywhere in the universe in a protective bubble, where would you go?
Operator skins rn
You get to delete 1 character from the game as if they never existed. Who is gone? I'll start.
My boss is having an affair.
What hero’s do you consider high skill and what ones are low skill?
If you're the person who says 1/3/2 is viable to justify picking the 3rd dps, here's why you're probably wrong.
Idk what to title this
I don’t want to tank in ranked anymore.
Who is your favorite vanguard?
Hard day at work today, roast me
Why does everyone say they’re in grandmaster
My turn, choose 2 and I’ll make you a superpower
What characters in fiction are the personification of "I dont need an army, I am an army."?
So just had the closest game ever...
Crosshair drifting to top right on M&K?
18M do your worst
I'm tired of being treated like I'm weird just cause I have hobbies and flirt with girls.
Do you think you'd beat your younger self in a 1v1?
What broke your heart completely?