South Burlington Tesla protest
The Propoganda War for the Annexation of Canada and Greenland has begun.
Fox Primetime = 2 Minute Hate (1984)
How cooked is upstate NY if Ontario cuts off electricity?
What is one luxury that just makes your day so much better?
I’m 30 wks and can’t sleep
Can someone take this man’s phone away?!?
3 story large home
Question for moms that delivered a baby 8 lbs and above?
A very simple and cheap way to show your displeasure with the current administration
WIBTA for refusing to let my fiancé take our cat when we move?
Adirondack-themed nursery is done!
Embarrassed to put mom essentials on the registry
AITA for withholding sex from my husband?
Phil Scott asks Vermonters to stop being mean to JD
Friend sent me a picture of a weird black stain he saw on the floor of a house he was considering buying
What is the single best maternity clothing item you own/have purchased?
You are stuck in a time loop beginning from past 1 hour. What are you doing for the rest of your life?
My fiancés checked items were stolen by a hotel… how should we proceed?
Just giving y'all a heads up. (Hospital Administrator guy here)
I’m tired. Bad enough we have the rotting orange but Elon… ffs.
T-Shirt from the 70s, possible iron-on design
Dom Oficera, Poland
Keep finding needles
Something blew up at the airport last night.