I love ya, whoever’s looking at my profile right now :3
cold take
Q&A for our wiki!
I was never a fan of this game until tinky winky was added
An opinion of mine
How would everyone feel about different styles for certain skins? e.g. art below?
Losercity Fact
What time is it???
I’m leaving this here. Go wild with it
EffectiveDry8223 Batch # 2
Silly :3 (art by me)
You like vr don't' you
What opinion got you like this in PC2
To solve this people leaving right before death, I think there should be option to disable jumpscare. For those who gets angry seeing death animation.
what's the best way to level up EXE ?
Guess whose back... back again... u/imdisgustingman is back... tell a friend!
Are they screwed
We should change the subs name to /Boykisser:3
Servant grunt passive ability concept!
dude i fucked up
Is there any other “builds”
Any other "special skins"?
Losercity dad and son
Fire Pillar Chase music plays, what move are you hitting?