Asked for extra mashed potatoes with my steak. They delivered.
Recommend me some new easycore bands/songs you’re listening to please!
To all mom&dad skaters:get your unique deck designed by your kids [32YO]
My season is finally over
Teeth weird
Seeds/Plants that require light for germination
Why is there a 200% tariff on wine from France?
How much does the SF Chronicle Hate Oakland?
Japanese Sardines in California? A Shocking Discovery in the Pacific — We hear from the scientist who discovered Japanese sardines off the coast of California for the first time and discuss what it means for the future.
Funghi growing in tomato pot
Netflix absolutely dominated streaming for the week of February 10 to February 16 with 4 out of 5 most watched series
I need an intervention 😭
Vegetable ID?
Pretty cool design.
What happened to my coeur de boeuf? 🍅
I want to look manly. My barber: Say less.
Possible Hot Take: Ground Beef is the premier protein for cheeseburgers.
Is it okay for me to place compost on my raised beds before it rains?
Where do people even buy drugs from?
Do you guys like tall trees ?
I tried Whataburger for the first time in 20 years, while in vacation. Are they punishing me?
Bike rider reacts a little too late, is sent flying
The last great hofbrau: How a cafeteria-style restaurant became a Bay Area institution [Harry’s Hofbrau]
South Korea was a whole different level as a sober person
Milk Duds