What's your name?
How do you guys pronounce sandwich?
What Reddit video was the first one you got into? I'll start: I'm Actually Getting Cancelled For This Old Clip
Reddit Awards - Voting
Beans on toast IS THE Fan favourite Which VIDEO used to be the fan favourite?
See anything off?
Day One Of Trying To Get A Comment From One Thousand Cities!
Day One Of Getting A Comment From Every State/Province!
Is Jack gonna buy the shredder?
Type JackSucksAt and let the autocorrect finish
Ask jack questions under this post, except he can only respond with 1 word (no yes or no)
Guess where I'm from based on every state I've been to
What are your video ideas for Jack?
what did yall get?
It’s only 20 so it wouldn’t be that difficult
Repost since Jack didn’t see it
Petition for Jack to learn every Premier League Teams on JSAG (repost because the bots removed it)
Petition for Jack to Learn All 20 Premier League Teams on JSAG
It's been a month.... What are your niche questions for Jack that aren't worthy of their own post?
Top comment removes a state. Day 3
Show me your favorite flag.
Guess the channel by the average colour of its profile picture!
Jack, What is Your Favorite American Football Team?
It has been found !
Why has my autograph card got a smiley face on it?