Price Idea for a Sabyasachi Wedding Saree for My Wedding
Has anyone tried this toothpaste? Thoughts &/or reviews?
How soft do you think she is? I promise you she is softer than that 😍
All the lippies I am smacking and enjoying presently.
Dreadful experience at Indian embassy in Tokyo
a small haul of things i got this week⋆⭒˚.⋆
Sister went to USA, now both of us are broke.
"Best places to eat in Kolkata - A complete guide." Day 1 - Best Bengali food place ?
Lost/Abandoned dog found, looks well groomed and very friendly and receptive to human touch. Location: South Delhi.
Weeble so excited for a pea flake he literally falls over 😭❤️
Reception dinner at my cousin's wedding❤️🔥
What quietly disappeared in the last 10 years and no-one noticed ?
Weeble goes where I go ❤️
Need help leasing out this property near Manali!
What's your favorite piggy body part? I'll start
Weeble just being cute ❤️
Help me she's too cute
Weeble head bobs, such a cutie 😭
Had it for about 2 days at home....but denied by parents to keep further
She forgets that she ain't a kitten
So cute, Weeble coming out to greet me 🥺❤️
Cosplayed Ada Wong from Resident Evil 4
Why is this motu living in my house rent free?
Update on the rescued guinea pig!! (In body text)