Y’all think we’ll ever get this MCU back?
I hope we get the Ak-47 in the new game
So is this quite frankly the greatest scene in the MCU?
Since we're on the topic of General Ross do you like Harrison Ford in the role after BNW?
Anyone hoping for the dynamic WEATHER CHANGE?
This is why Bastion's Self-Repair is going to have the Resource Meter back
Just take a sec to think about how much better the game will feel
Who’s in your Big Three?(tank, dps, support) here’s mine
Support class is medic, but they've combined both ammo crate and medic bag into 1: The supply crate
Who would you choose as the fairytale villain for the fifth movie
How screwed are you?
Should characters similar to those already playable, only be added as 'mythic' cosmetics with unique move VFX & Voicelines?
I am afraid for the future
How are third-person finishers better than this?
Bring back Flight Suits for the new BF game
Should certain characters be allowed to throw breakables?
Name one feature from every Battlefield game you played you wanna see a return of in the next game
I actually wanna see if we could updated the BF2 Class System to New Battlefield
Husband here. Here’s my wife posting on mildlyinfuriating about my vacuuming skills
What did you guys think of commander mode? Would you like to see it make a comeback?
Am I missing anything?
Dear Battlefield Devs, This Is The Sort Of Battlefield We Want
After 30+ years of gaming I came to conclusion
What’s your top pick?
Bro came too early..