I was re-watching Andor and noticed I was sitting in the same chair as Maarva
Man stands his ground against an armed robber
2025-03-14 San Francisco permanently closes the Upper Great Highway to cars
B&R Magnetic Levitation, conveyor system.. so are wheel-less cars just matter of years‽
Replacing American sodas with European ones
[Absolute Regression] just started, seems pretty solid.
Asexualité : que faire maintenant ?
Le Portugal fait une croix sur le F-35 alors que le Rafale passe en pole position
@AAH refuseeee
If you're considering a 7900xt/xtx. Do it
I'm *this* close to returning my 7900 XTX
0/10? Musashi miyamoto fan Art (its not Good but i Will appreciate your rating)
Japan's shortage of full-time workers at worst level since COVID
This was the moment i lost hope in the Manga for real it was so sudden and crazy.
Holidaying Ukrainian soldier saves man stabbed in Venice
That was so close #Overwatch2
what do y’all think happened to ji-taes sister?
9 player saves within 30 seconds, wish things like this would get POTG
New cat (3F) bullies our other cat (5F), what should we do?
The internet is furious at Spotify - and not because of royalties this time
Place to rent
On est 5
On est 4
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Ritaline et fatigue ATROCE