What is the best feeling Fifa/FC game in your opinion?
Who's your favorite Pokémon and why?
Gold Symbol Battle arena team (forgot to include on last post)
Any idea why he is so cheap?
EA needs to buff Powershot+ Again.
I've got 87 David Neres with Inside Forward ++ Evo ... But how do I Evo his stats?
Are servers down for anyone else?
Gen 3 designs are absolutely insane
Gen 3 designs are absolutely INSANE
What's the most underrated card ?
I didn't do the NuneroFut Evo on him, but did a later evo to add anticipate+ ... How can I Evo him to catch up to his NumeroFut upgrade version?
The hunt for my Bold nature Slowpoke continues ...
Whats The Best Pokemon Game Of All Time?
Labor’s $15b Metro Tunnel rocked by CFMEU ‘ghost shift’ scandal
Who's the one player you want to upgrade but you just can't because they're too good?
If you go 1-0 down in a friendly quit
Fc25 ultimate team
Be honest and rate my team
How do I know how much fodder I have?
Just got promoted to div 2, finding everyone's team is a lot better than mine (although done okay with WDD record so far). Any way to improve my team?
Finally Finished Pokemon Emerald
My Pokemon Emerald 100% Quest #3 - 187Hours | 181/386 Pokemon | 3 Shinies | 15 Lv. 100s | 2 Gold Symbols
Match Thread: Everton vs. Manchester United
Favorite card(s) used this year?
Should I use Klostermann in the Backline Boss Evo?