At a loss.. 3.5 year old regression
Chiefs sweater vest 💛❤️
Looking for help/ideas/enouragement
Need Help with supplementing baby
Will's affected accent(s)
Has there been a guest you didn't like? Or one you unexpectedly loved?
6 months baby not gaining weight
Gentle sleep training methods?
My hubs has a thought.. stunt doubles.
Help with 4 month old
4 month old so tired but won't settle to sleep until 11pm.
Little guy needs such aggressive bouncing to settle & sleep- how to 'wean' or get him ok with more subtle motions?
Episode 212: Lisa Kudrow
Favorite recurring bits
Guests you weren’t excited for whose episodes you love
What do you do when toddler wakes too early- screen free?
What's your current hack as a toddler parent? I'll share mine
What is a "non-meal" you make for dinner?
Welp…… he fell asleep in the car at 6:30….
Guests you'd like to see on the show?
Minifridge for toddler
Yard sales have started popping up in my area and I want to go but I have a toddler who doesn’t do great with getting in and out of the car a lot, any one have any tips or find things that have worked?
Don’t sleep on dish soap as a stain remover
Weekly Recommendation Thread: April 12, 2024
Ridiculous questions to ask toddlers to stop a tantrum?