Broken from Arm wrestling
Has anyone removed all their toenails permanently?
pain on the outside of ankle/lower leg when walking?
Day 4 post toenail removal. Can’t wait for them to be healed so I can attack the fungus.
Honey Potting
Do you dirty text with your partner? Or is this just a grindr thing with random guys?
stay plexin’
[ Removed by Reddit ]
2 month old jumper died during moulting..?
Yesterday I had the best sex of my life.
Dinner time
How the fuck are y'all getting in relationships without knowing your SOs political views?
Players of Warcraft, what keeps you playing?
Has anyone had issues with their ears being clogged
Loss of smell and taste?
Blitz MMR bugged?
Most recent symptoms (May 2024)?
10 days out and still darned sick
I'm convinced 90% of players with Glad Mounts bought them.
Positive, looking for input
Covid for the first time
TRT Cream results
Starting TRT journey
Is it safe to take creatine with propanolol?
Down 50lbs, surgery or keep losing fat? Biggest insecurity since early teens I'm 19 now, started working out because of it