How to cut dope?
Help me out
Tell me what you think of my weed
Ik y’all have done this before don’t lie😭
Shroom dream
Absolute Nerd here - want to know how does it feel like getting high?
Weirdest dosing
My first mask
ULTIMATE drug iceberg v2 (read my comment below the post)
So guys, If you started killing Russians, what mask would you wear? I am going for the Ruseel or a shark
Shit i wrote on my first hhc high
Goat Balls/Balls Simulator
I dont have rolling paper or bong. Is there any way to smoke?
Only one joint a night is my new year resolution 🤷
It's so empty where I live...grass only
Sunday rips before cleaning
Guys, when does it kick in?
Does weed kill your appetite?
Is this a good place to build a base?
Best altcannabinoids based off of your experience
noided about my poops
Will 2 bottles of robitussin get me dissociated?
I want to see data relating to where people most make their bases. Comment your favourite/current/last base location. I will make a map of where everyone builds their bases.