Arkveld Fights Are Way Too Busy
[KCD2] Did I do something to annoy the starting blacksmith that just hired me?
Calling All Netrunners, how do I build & play one in Cyberpunk 2.0 and onwards?
What is the best way to spend time?
Is this the canon name?
Who here playin Space Marine 2 found a familiar voice cameo?
Are Helbrutes any good on the tabletop or do they just look cool?
Welsh pool aka Welsh Deadpool!
What is your preferred colour for painting your weapons?
Does a World Eaters' Master of Executions need the faction helmet to be used in the army?
Bought my first Inkbox temporary tattoo, should I shave the area I'm applying it to?
Does breaking your oath mess with your ability scores?
I personally hate the "FUCK LEANDROS!" memes, because it strips him as a character.
Game Crashing Like Crazy, Can't Spread Democracy with My Friend
In light of the new balance dataslate
Epilogue not triggering after pier scene, no mods installed
I'm a 40k beginner and I'm building my first army of Beast Snaggaz. Any must-have units I should get?
Any dvice on fixing overly-green orks?
Do more of the old side jobs/gigs/ongoing crimes unlock after The Heist mission in Cyberpunk 2.0?
Freezy pop!
some previews would be nice
Playing Dead is way too fun as a rogue build
Do any of alternate pieces for miniatures affect their statistics in game?
Can any World Eater players sell me (a new player) on World Eaters in 10th Edition?