Sweet Vitriol should not have been placed after Chikhai Bardo.
We forgor
Which characters do you think will take center stage in Season 5?
New Kickstarter Login! (also new Kickstarter Creator Info UI)
Popping bubbles on Reddit
Early version of the series Pilot intro.
It’s pretty amazing that Chase was almost all CGI, except for the close ups, which were done using an animatronic Chase
I call bull on your logic, Dustin.
Why does the series pilot on Prime Video have a different intro?
He is adorable he just give me a fun boss fight and was enjoying it rather then hating on me and then he apologised such gentle bug
Since the Silksong subreddit has gone insane... Which is your favorite Silksong area?
What are some of the best sci-fi movies out there?
Todo mundo devia aprender um pouco de gramática
Why is Mr. Meth laughing? Did Skylar tell him a joke or something?
This has to be the most secret area in the game
Math Update:_____ is now a new number
Can't believe William did that
Estava na nossa frente o tempo todo
They removed the placeholder rating on PSN
Duffer Brothers Confirm No Spin-Offs: Stranger Things Characters Won’t Return After Season 5!
Don't give up yet, Skongers!
The Cyrano Trope and Mike & Will (Analysis/Theory)
Surely this is gonna be the year guys, i can feel it