My 23m gf 20f, told me to my face how big drakes dick is, how do I handle
AITA for asking my SIL if she wanted to kill my son just to prove she could get him to not have an allergic reaction in a specific restaurant?
My step-sister has cancer, and I don't care...AITA??
AITA for refusing to attend my sister’s wedding after what she did?
Open Bar #134 - Daredevil Ep3, Snow White Premiere, Harry Potter Casting Controversy
AITA for refusing to let my mother-in-law hold my baby after she told my husband to get a paternity test?
AITAH for going low contact after my little sister ruined my father/daughter dance.
My husband won’t have sex with me , he says my girly stinks.
Children have no merits or value whatever!
I NEED the volume up
AITA for watching “The Nanny”
Evil pregnant lesbian committing HR violations
AIO - Want to go to HR because a Pregnant Lady keeps complaining about how I smell
TIFU by telling my girlfriend the truth about Power Rangers
Me(super high iq )destroyed my evil gay husbands life
TIL It’s ok to give someone a seizure and have no remorse if you have trauma. 🙃
Not OOP: My husband knocked someone out in front of me and I’m terrified.
AITAH for refusing to pay for my sister’s wedding after she uninvited my autistic son from being ring bearer because he ‘might ruin her day'?
Pesky preteen CLEARLY acted spitefully and with malice aforethought, right? /s (NOTE: Add'l info. in comment!)
I (46M) told my first Biological Offspring (26M) "That I have 2 sons and he's not either of them." Now my sister (38F) is begging me to talk to him.
This feels so fake
AITA for not letting my sister bring her kids to my child-free wedding?
My sister and her friend group went out for drinks without me. No, i didn’t ask if I could go. Should I leave our groupchat? The comments say kick her sister out
Would I be the asshole if I left my friends group chat after being excluded from an event?
AITAH for waking up my husband during my 36-hour labor?
Am I wrong for no longer cooking for wife after she drunkenly admitted she wished her male co worker could cook for her instead
A barmaid made fun of my drink order, so i taught her a lesson.
A barmaid make fun of my drink order so i teached him a lesson
Catherine the pink ranger
Reading only YTA comments.
Man who doesn't know how to wipe his ass properly tells hardworking wife that she doesn't smell good...
AITAH for telling my wife she smells bad?