Do any other ENTPs feel like they're awake in a world that's asleep?
Are you loyal?
Not all of us truckers wear flip flops on the job . #BOTD Tony Lama smooth ostrich one of my favorite pairs
How to remove this marble from this glass bottle?
Come posso migliorare il mio ring muscleup?
ENTP thing?
I'll tell if you're single or not by your most used emojis.
Saw this on my instagram, thoughts?
"Towards Jerusalem... They come with a Loud Flood" Hamas poster, December 2022
Finally Tried Sekiro 2 and here's my thoughts
Lets do it
if were being honest... (by me, art by u/realtra_)
«The Hand of the Dead» Cartoon of Iraq war, 2006.
Domanda seria, perché i registi italiani non fanno film/serie TV basate su Tex?
Lets dispell the myth - ENTPs don't have ADHD ...
This MO has really been a disaster
But muh beacon of democracy 😞
Fuck Neocons
The first ever message sent out by the bots to mankind
"Culture of Capitalism: American civilization is the ugliest civilization of our planet" USSR 1952
Imagine needing to reload your SWORD lol
Tell me what your favorite mbti(apart from your own) is and I'll tell you what you've.
Is this CVG?