What happens when you’re in the warp unshielded?
Washington DC about to be a whole other place.
Helmet Pattern Makes Late Armor Piece Reward Irrelevant
Was Lucius ever killed by Kharn?
So are the Aeldari pantheon warp entities, or just really old and powerful Eldar? Both?
you think ranger have pstd
Found this badass poster on Pinterest and knew that I had to share it with everyone here!
Was Doomguy one of them ? A demon ?
What's your DMC version of "I did not care for the Godfather"?
I know people are mixed on the Primarchs coming back.
I just met the Marauder and oh boy, it's glaringly obvious why people hate this guy
Would you play it? 👀
Trump supporters wearing 'dictator' apparel
Muta is delusional for thinking that Texas will be any better than Canada towards racism
What is your favorite demon to fight in doom 2016?
The oldest running presidential candidate in American history
In honour of the late Shelley Duvall, my best cosplay I’ve ever done.
Do you think the DOOM 3 soul cube should be in Doom: Dark Ages?
We should all welcome female custodians
I think I've mastered Doom Eternal. It's the best one in the series thus far! Is Dark Ages going to be more fun than this? Faster? Harder...? Because I'm soo excited for the new one.
If they were to make an actual good Doom movie should it be based off of classic Doom or modern Doom?
So what would it take to redeem a traitor Primarch?
Whats your favorite Slayer design?
Do y’all think cosmetics are going to make a return?
Do you think doom the dark ages will be better than doom 2016 and eternal?